Fulgain-z tab


Fulgain- Z  tab : A high potency formula of essential vitamins, Minerals and Zinc & Grape seed extract.

Vitamins are important building blocks of the body and help keep you in good health . Nutritional supplement during pregnancy & lactation for growing children, elderly patients & during convalescence.


Benefits of fulgain-Z:

1.In recovery from post-traumatic neuronal degeneration

  1. Reduction of oxidative stress
  2. In deficiency state
  3. For normal growth
  4. Retardation of diabetic & cardiac complications
  5. Fastens recovery & shortens convalescences
  6. Provides all essential nutrients for all age groups.


Compositions: Vitamin C 40mg, Vitamin B3  18mg, Vitamin E 10mg,  Vitamin B5  3mg,  Vitamin B2   1.8mg, Vitamin B1   1.4mg,  Vitamin B6  1mg,  Vitamin A 600mcg, Folic acid 200mcg,

Biotin 150mcg, Vitamin B12  1mcg,  Vitamin D3 200iu,  Zinc 10mg, Magnesium  3mg, Manganese 250mcg,  Iodine 100mcg,  Copper  30mcg, Selenium 30mcg,   Chromium 25mcg, Grape seed Extract  50mg,  Energy 3Kcal, Carbohydrates 0.2g.

Presentation:  10 tablet’s in a  Alu Alu pack.