Hair is a complicated structure. It transmits sensory information and creates gender identity. Those affected by any hair problems find that it can cause social or self-esteem problems, indicating treatment for both psychological and physiological reason. The hair growth cycle consists of three distinct stages – Anagen phase: Growing phase (~ 3 years); keratin is produced in the hair bulb, Catagen phase: Regression phase (~ 3 weeks); hair bulb separates from the dermal papilla, and Telogen phase: Resting phase (~ 3 months); old hair is shed
Hair comprises of :

  • The Hair Follicle
  • The Shaft


Dandruff is a condition of the scalp in which scalp sheds larger than normal amounts of dead epidermal cells. Dandruff is characterized by itching and visible dry flakes or oily flakes which may appear greasy and yellow in color(in the presence of seborrhea).It is not a disease but rather a normal physiological event makes scalp look unhygienic and untidy and unaccepted socially.


  • Fungus (Malassezia) is considered as one of the main cause of dandruff. It converts sebum triglycerides into irritating free fatty acids and is involved in scalp hyperproliferation. Under increased sebum activity Malassezia proliferates resulting in the scalp itching and flaking.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis is a more severe disorder which include desquamation of facial areas other than the scalp and visible inflammation


  • Microbial activiton
  • Inflammation
  • Seborrheic activity