Acne is most common dermatologic disorder and effects 80% of people between the age of 11 to 30years. Although acne is usually thought of as a condition of adolesence, 8% of the 25-to 34-year and 3% of the 34-to 44-year age group effected.

Though not life threatening, acne can have severe psychosocial consequences leading to poor self-esteem, social isolation, and depression

Acne is a disorder resulting from the action of hormones and other substances on skin’s Oil Glands(sebaceous glands) and Hair Follicles.

Normally, Sebum(oil) produced by sebaceous glands seeps onto skin surface through opening of follicle, lubricates the skin to protect it and hair follicles produce keratinocytes at normal rate.
In acne , hypersecreation of sebum(oil) and overproduction of keratinocytes by hair follicles blocks the pores. Sebum gets trapped which leads to formation of closed Comedo. Bacteria like Propionibacterium acnes(P.acnes) that normally live on skin grow in plugged follicle and causes inflammation. When the wall of plugged follicles break down, it spills everything into nearby skin including sebum, shed skin cells and bacteria-leading to lesions or pimples which may further lead to post-inflammatory pigmentation.

Factors causing acne include hormones like testosterone, spicy food, fat diet, mensturation and mental stress.


  • Sebum production
  • Inflammation
  • Infection